January 23, 2023
How to open an account at Binance?
1Go to Binance.com and click Register
2On the registration page, enter your email address, create a password for your account, and enter the Referral ID (if any). Then, read and agree to the Terms of Service and click Create Account.
- Your password must be a combination of numbers and letters. It should contain at least 8 characters, one UPPER CASE letter, and one number.
- If you’ve been referred to register on Binance by a friend, make sure to fill in the Referral ID (optional).
3Complete the Security Verification.
Verification help you to avoid unpleasant situations such as theft or loss of the phone.
Verification help you to avoid unpleasant situations such as theft or loss of the phone.
4The system will send an SMS verification code to your mobile phone.
Please enter the 6-digit verification code within 30 minutes. If you can’t receive it, click Resend, or click Please try voice verification to use voice verification instead.
Please enter the 6-digit verification code within 30 minutes. If you can’t receive it, click Resend, or click Please try voice verification to use voice verification instead.
5 To enhance your account security, click Go to Dashboard to enable two-factor authentication (2FA), including phone verification and Google verification.
Click Security on your account profile and click Enable to Security Key or Google Authenticator.
Click Security on your account profile and click Enable to Security Key or Google Authenticator.
Congratulations! You have registered on Binance!